Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


What is the Importance of Pilgrimage?

Pilgrimage consists of visiting various sacred sites generally to perform worship or meditation. These sacred places may be man made structures like temples or various power spots in Nature like mountains or rivers. Such places in Nature may be made more holy by the practices various sages and yogis have performed there. Hindus recognize innumerable such places and find them wherever they live. They are not bound to any single holy center.

Each place has its own energy. Certain places have a greater spiritual energy than others, which we can benefit from by visiting them. Yet the pilgrimage to external holy places is no substitute for the inner pilgrimage which is mantra and meditation. Actually our entire life is a pilgrimage and all places are sacred sites. This is what we learn through going to holy places.


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