Taoism arose in China not
India, yet there were considerable contacts between Taoism and the
Indic traditions, and both arose in the Himalayan region. Buddhism
and Taoism in China influenced each other considerably and often
merged into a single teaching. Hinduism had contact with Taoism from
a pre-Buddhist era, which was maintained through the Buddhist era.
Taoism can also be
considered to be a dharmic tradition. It has its yogic and
meditation practices much like the Hindu and Buddhist, as well as
its tradition of occult knowledge. Like the Vedic tradition it looks
back to an earlier enlightened age of humanity before what we know
of as civilization began.
Like Hinduism Taoism is a
religion of life and Nature that seeks to grow organically. It does
not proselytize or seek converts. It has no dogma or ideology and
promotes a universality of vision. Like Hinduism it has its folk
religion of various Gods, Goddesses and nature spirits, with a
similar form of temple worship being offered to them.
The Shinto religion of
Japan, which has much in common with Taoism, and interacted with
Buddhism, can similarly be regarded as part of the Eastern dharmic