Let no real spiritual
aspiration be destroyed in the name of conformity to a belief. As
human beings we should all come together and share our spiritual
knowledge, not out of trying to convert others, but out of seeking
to unite with the Infinite. We
should have more religions, not less. Each one of us should have his
or her own religion, and it should agree with our inner perception,
not be the product of social regimentation.
The important thing is that
our religion is a seeking to connect to the Divine within, that it
is part of a path to Self-realization, not merely trying to conform
to a social image of what is supposed to be holy or pious.
Hinduism does not see it as a sign of
greatness that all people in a country belong to the same religion,
follow the same prophet, read the same holy book, or perform the
same prayers. Hindus would consider it a sign of spiritual poverty.
It would be like if the
people in a country all wore the same style of clothes, produced the
same style of art, ate the same food, and all tried to look like
each other. Diversity, through freedom, leads to true Oneness. We
discover the unity of the tree by tracing back the creative current
from each leaf to the trunk, not by reducing the tree to one branch
only, which is only to stifle if not kill it.
Hinduism states the more the
sects the better, as each sect will allow different people to find a
connection with the Divine. It says that the religions we know are
not separate or self-contained entities. They are merely sects of
the universal religion and to the extent they think they alone
represent that universal truth, they lose their value. What is
important is that all the different religions come to recognize each
other as subgroups within a greater or universal tradition that
transcends any person, book or historical revelation. Then alone
will there be peace in the world and in the hearts of human beings.