Once in Bombay we received a fax from a Hyderabad
organization requesting my appearance as a speaker. This is how I
came to know of Prajna Bharati. I first spoke in Hyderabad in 1996,
giving programs on the Vedas at Prajna Bharati and on Ayurveda at
Vijnana Bharati. The audience was quite large and the
questions very profound. In 1997 I returned to help launch the first
issue of Prajna, a magazine for Prajna Bharati in Hyderabad
and contributed regularly to that publication as well. Later in 1999
I did several programs for them, including a debate with the
Archbishop of Hyderabad that appears later in this book.
Prajna Bharati is perhaps the best organized Hindu
think tank and intellectual center in India. It brings together
important thinkers on various topics, representing all sides,
and creates a forum for dialogue, debate and discussion. Hopefully
such centers will open throughout the country.