They emphasize
not in sadhana or self-development but the need to impose their views on others. Such
creeds do not have a clear understanding of karma or self-realization but hold that a mere
change of belief can really transform people. The result is that they hypnotize their
followers with a belief, who then lose the power to critically examine what
they are doing or how they might be harming others. Just think of all the professional
people in the world today who uncritically accept such religious dogmas as the Biblical
view of creation as literally true! Religion creates
a strong psychic force, energizing the subtle bodies of its believers with powerful
samskaras born of prayer, ritual and group action. This force, if compassionate in nature,
can lead to a higher consciousness, but if it reflects any exclusivism or prejudice it can
bring out some of the worst traits in human nature, including violence and genocide.
Religion magnifies our samskaras for good or ill. Otherwise
quite balanced and sensitive people can lose all sense of objectivity when religion comes
into the matter. Religious self-righteousness is perhaps the most destructive force that
the human race has ever invented and continues to prey upon helpless victims all over the
The nature of a particular religions psychic force
depends upon the gunas or qualities that it is based on.