I Became A Hindu My Discover Of Vedic Dharma |
Books By David Frawley |
Work |
first I was shocked to read his work Hindu Temples, What Happened to
Them? I didnt realize how much religious aggression had been
perpetrated against the spiritual land of India where all religion
is honored. I had felt that Islam, though perhaps young and immature
as a religion, was really benign.
But the evidence was overwhelming as Sitaram used
Islamic sources that had no reason to hide anything. There was a
concerted campaign to destroy Hindu temples in India that most
Islamic rulers in the country diligently followed.
Nor is the battle over. The fundamentalist Islamic
movement that has spawned the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden still
targets Hindu India and regards it as a land of kafirs (heathens).
It wants to finish the work of conquering the country and
eliminating its infidel ways. Unless Hindus are more wary, they can
be again deceived and defeated, and their heritage will be lost for
all time. Voice of
India also published the works of Koenraad Elst, a young Belgian
writer whom I met on several occasions. Elst intrigued me because he
was a Westerner yet had a grasp of India better than any Indian did.
In this regard I saw a parallel phenomenon to myself. But Elst had
much better command of political and social issues in India than I
ever gained, unmatched by any western writer and researched in great
detail. Elst is a thorough scholar and supremely rational in all
that he does. His work on the Ayodhya movement was definitive.
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