I Became A Hindu My Discover Of Vedic Dharma |
Books By David Frawley |
Work |
Muslims have been in India for over a thousand years and still lack
the most elementary understanding of the Hindu yogic path. They
reject karma and rebirth as superstitions, and look at the Hindus
many wonderful Gods and Goddesses that connect us to the cosmic mind
as little better than demons. Their mullahs encourage such attitudes
in order to keep them separate from Hindus and unable to interact
with them on religious issues.
The British, with all their intellectual acumen,
were in India for over two hundred years and left with no real
understanding the spiritual depths of the country. Their concern was
money and hegemony, not enlightenment and higher consciousness. Such
people have their minds closed in a narrow belief. Like a blind
person they miss the obvious even when it right in their face. Many
modern Indian intellectuals are of the same ilk, conditioned by
Marx, Mueller and Macaulay they cannot appreciate an Aurobindo or a
Ramana Maharshi. Ram
Swarup, however, neverturned his critical statements into any
blanket condemnations. He judged individuals in their own right. He
dialogued with people of all religious persuasions and would
give any person a fair hearing. There was no partiality in him but a
respect for truth above all other concerns.
I followed Ram Swarups
insights in my own writings, noting not only a spiritual (devic) but
also an egoistic or asuric factor in mysticism that I highlighted in
my book Awaken Bharata. Religion can project cosmic forces not only
of light and knowledge but also of darkness and ignorance. Religious
states of mind can augment pride or confuse the ego with God.
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