Yet it also teaches that the Divine is
beyond form, is our very Self. It is the proverbial elephant which we
as blind men tend to take only one part of as the whole. We find many
opposites combined within its great scope. In its tradition are many
teachers, with many who have realized the Divine within their own consciousness. Usually each
individual will follow their own teacher or guru rather than any standard
The emphasis on the guru is on this direct and personal connection with
the Divine. The real guru, of whom the outer teacher is only a representative, is our own inner
Self. Once we are connected with our inner being we go beyond all outer teachers or teachings.
Actually Hinduism is not a religion at all in the ordinary sense of the
word. It is an expression of the natural religion, the religion of life. It
teaches that each of us should have our own religion.
It encourages freedom, spontaneity and individuality in our approach to
the Divine and says that religion is a private and personal, not a public
and social matter--a matter of the heart, not a badge we wear or a title
we take. It teaches that the individual is God--you are God. It says that whatever way we
approach the Divine will not work until we recognize the Divinity within