Hinduism alone of the
world's major religions is primarily self-based and self-reliant in both the inner and
outer aspects of life and culture. It provides a rich and open field for
the soul to grow with much to use on all levels. Its very richness is
often its difficulty as there are in it so many paths to choose from, so
many levels of participation, that it is possible to be led astray by
secondary concerns or interests.
Such a great cultural field is important for a creative and spiritual
global culture. Hence behind the Yogic teaching is the whole Sanatana Dharma or eternal religion
and its legacy of spiritual practices from all time. In addition is the
culture of the Dharma which is useful in all spheres of our life. What is important is for us to
continue that stream and use it in a creative way.
This is neither to blindly follow or
reject it. It is neither to become caught in its forms nor to fail to see
their message. Vedic and Yogic science, therefore, are part of a religion and a culture. They are in
fact the basis of all religion and culture. While their essence is in
the spiritual their relevance is to the whole of life and it is to that
complete picture of them we address ourselves here.