From The River Of Heaven
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Hinduism is more a set of tools for religious practice rather than a doctrine one must follow or a faith in which one must believe. It includes polytheistic, pantheistic, monotheistic, monistic and atheistic teachings. It includes all the Yogic approaches of knowledge, devotion, technique and service. Its form has constantly changed throughout the centuries, yet without denying the validity of the earlier teachings. 

It is not a religion that was given once in a definitive form. It is not based on a single historical event or revelation, like the birth of Christ or the ascension of Mohammed. It has no final revelation but a continuous stream of living experience. Its emphasis is more on modern teachers who have realized the truth in a way we can understand today, rather than on following some set example from bygone ages. 

Its tradition is constantly being adapted to the present. For this reason adapting the Vedic and Yogic teaching to the West does not require we become Hindus or limit ourselves to any particular religion. We may use its tools in the practice of any religion or we can use them directly in the spiritual life without any religious belief. It does require, however, that we adopt the tools of Yoga to the needs of our individual nature and the Divine presence within us. That is entering the true path and becoming conscious of our role in the universal religion which is life itself.


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