Major Sections
Bharateeya Historiography

Harappan, the only Scientific Date:

Of the props i.e., the dates described in the previous section, only the Harappan date i.e., the date of the destruction of the so-called Indus civilization has been arrived at after scientific tests. For the other dates, no scientific proof is available. On the other hand, the recent research has substantially proved the incorrectness of these dates. Further, it has challenged the very veracity of the meaningless and unscientific theories like the existence of the Aryan race, their invasion on India and their civilization being distinct from that of the Indus people or that of the Dravidians. Let us analyze the results of the modern scientific research.

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Researches Reject the Chronology
Harappa, The Only Scientific Date
Yajnashalas In Harappa Sites
Dried Sarasvati Bed From Satellite Imagery
Why Same Date For 260 Harappan Sites? Sarasvati Culture
Date Of The Vedas Prior To The Date Of Harappa
Aryan Race, a Biased Theory
Nancy Stephen Opines Concoction
Crave For Civilised Ancestry
Childish Corollaries Thrusted
Date Of The Buddha Undecided
Disbelief In Sheet Anchor On Increase
No Concrete Proofs
Unanswered Doubts