Stephen Opines Concoction:
Nancy Stephen in her recently
published book 'The Ideas of Race in Science' has charged these race
scientists with deliberate concoction. The book reviewer Dr. S. K.
Mahajan of BARC Bombay writes, "Beginning with the 15th
century, the white Europeans came in contact with more and more
people around the globe, most of whom looked physically different,
thanks so their superior military technology, the Europeans soon
found themselves exterminating, enslaving or subjugating many of
these people. All this was profitable, though morally difficult to
justify. A morally defensible rationale for slavery and colonialism
would have been highly useful. Such were the imperatives that led to
the genesis, around the year 1800, of what Nancy calls 'the race
science', in her book. The basic hypothesis of this science was
something as follows".
"Based on their biological
constitutions, human beings can be classified in to a small number
of well defined racial types. These racial types are fixed and can
be arranged in a hierarchy in which the European whites are at the
top and the African blacks at the bottom, with others coming in
between. The physical, moral and mental worth of any individual is
determined by the hierarchical status of the racial type to which he
"The primary goal of the race
scientists was to generate empirical data as well as a theoretical
framework in support of the above hypothesis. This they did with
remarkable zeal, diligence and persistence for well over a century
in the face of formidable practical as well as theoretical
set-backs. Their purpose was to show that the white man was endowed
with superior mental and moral attributes which were necessary for
humanity's progress but were missing in non-whites and then the
European domination could be rationalized as the "White man's
burden". In spite of the great labors of the race scientists,
their work has mostly been forgotten. The emergence of molecular
biology of the gene has proved differently".