Same Date for 260 Harappan Sites ? Sarasvati Culture:
Nearly 260 sites are now considered
as belonging to the Indus or Harappan civilization. There are other
sites termed pre-Harappan and late-'Harappan and all the three total
to 1000. The Harappan sites have the same date of destruction,
Scholars were at a loss to understand why all these sites spread
over a vast area were destroyed at the same time. Excavations have
revealed that these sites were destroyed by natural calamities. What
the calamities were nobody knows. The Indus river, after which these
sites were named still flows ; perhaps pointing out that it has
nothing to do with the destruction of these sites. Of the 260 sites,
only about 20 are to the west of the Indus and the rest are on the
eastern side. Any culture named after a river will thrive on both
the banks of the river. in the beginning, when only Mohenjodaro and
Harappa were known, the scholars might have named the civilization
after the river Indus because of its proximity to these sites. But
now scholars are doubting about the nomenclature. When we look at
the dried bed of the river Sarasvati as pictured by the Landsat
imagery, the sites which were supposed to be part of Indus
civilization, would be on either of the banks of the river Sarasvati.
Hence Indus civilization has to be renamed as Sarasvati
civilization. Dr. B. B. Lal, Dr. S. P. Gupta and Dr. Shashi Asthana
in their article 'Indus Sites', say, "The Indus civilization
was the culmination of a long process of cultural configuration that
was going on through several millennia in the geographical tract
between the hills of Baluchistan and the Ghaggar basin. The
culmination or the change from the early Harappan to Harappan seems
to have taken place in the Sarasvati basin. The distribution map of
Harappan sites shows quite clearly the concentration of Indus sites
with early Harappan material overlaid with mature Harappan in the
basin of Sarasvati and its tributaries". It is for this reason,
that Dr. S. P. Gupta suggests that instead of persisting with the
older title, Indus civilization, we might as well call it Sarasvati
Ghosh and Hussain of the Central Arid
Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur have discovered a number of beds of
Sarasvati river in which one is of ocean going Sarasvati. Other beds
they have dated 1800 BC and the ocean going Sarasvati bed is
thousands of years earlier than those, according to them.
The Sarasvati civilization had
flourished for thousands of years over a vast area and abundant
waters of the river, were helping the civilization in every way. But
the drying up of the river, which was a natural calamity, forced the
sites to be vacated.