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Bharateeya Historiography
Crave for Civilized Ancestry:

European nations were created during the past two millennia. Prior to achieving nationhood, they were fighting wild tribes. After their successes in conquering different countries all over the world since the sixteenth century AD, a crave developed in them to prove their ancient and civilized ancestry. In the 19th century AD, they picked the word Arya from the ancient Hindu literature where alone it means respectable, civilized, superior, elder, etc. Seeta calls her husband Arya or Aryaputra and similarly does Mandodary, the wife of Dashanana Ravana. In Rigveda, the word Arya occurs 33 times and 16 times in Atharvaveda. Nowhere it is used to mean a race. In the Siamese(Indonesia) dictionary, which goes prior to the birth of the Aryan race theory, the meaning of the word Arya is given as 'civilized'. Europeans wanted themselves to be honored by others by this name of ancient fame and they invented the theory of the Aryan race.

The Europeans declared themselves belonging to that Aryan race. As the word Arya was taken from ancient Hindu literature, the Hindus were also required to be included in that Aryan race of their conjecture. Hindus were the residents of India. Hence a theory was coined about the original home of the Aryans in Eurasia between Europe and the other to have invaded India. One branch of the Aryans was stated to have gone to Europe and the other to have invaded India. As the Vedas belong not to the Europeans but to Hindus only, Max Mueller inferred that those must have been compiled by the Hindus, the so-called Indo-Aryans, after they reached India. He had already dated Vedas in 1200 BC. Now he dated the Aryan Invasion in 1500 BC, three hundred years earlier to that of the Vedas.


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