Race, a Biased Theory:
The Aryan race theory has very much
disturbed the chronology of, and approach to the ancient Indian
history. As already seen, its origin is in the similarity in words
of different languages. It is reasonable to infer that there must
have been one group of men in one place speaking the original
language and the words must have spread elsewhere along with these
men. But the search carried out only in Central Eurasia for this
original place smells something else. The word Arya, appears in the
Vedic literature, the most ancient in the world. Vedas are
universally accepted as belonging to the so-called lndo-Aryans of
Sarasvati area. Scholars like Max Mueller and Jones did have this
knowledge. It is difficult to understand why the original home of
the Aryans, in spite of this knowledge, was not searched in the land
of Sarasvati. Moreover, the search was done in a place where there
are very few rivers. It is a- generally accepted that in the
beginning, man had his habitations on the banks of rivers. Why then
the search in a river less place ? Is it because the land of
Sarasvati belonged to Hindus who were a defeated nation then, from
previous eight centuries ? Or is it because many of the European
nations were then, a conquering people since the previous two or
three centuries and the conquerors ego prompted them to search for
the original home of the Aryans somewhere near to their countries?