in Harappan Sites:
Yajnyashalas have been discovered in
Harappan sites from Baluchistan in the west up to Uttar Pradesh in
the east and Gujrat in the south. This has helped Dr. Ahmed Hasan
Dani, a Pakistani archaeologist, to state that the whole of this
area must have been under one culture in which Yajnyashalas had a
place. Yajnyashala is a special characteristic feature of Vedic
culture. So, Vedas and Vedic culture must have been there in that
vast portion of India in pre-Harappan times. Therefore, the theory
that Aryan and Harappan cultures are separate fails to prove itself.
Even the theory that the original home of the Aryans was in Central
Eurasia also fails and the Aryan invasion and its date carry no