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Bharateeya Historiography
Childish Corollaries Thrusted:

The crave for calling themselves Aryans forced the Europeans to propagate childish corollaries. They were white skinned and possessed particular facial features. These they thrusted on the Aryans. It had all started from similar words found in Latin, Greek and Sanskrit. Max Mueller had pointed out that similar words need not mean that those who use them should possess similar features, bones or blood or similar color to their skin. The Aryan race enthusiasts termed the north Indians (white according to them) as Aryans and the south Indians (black according to them) as non-Aryans or Dravidians. Rama and Krishna are revered personalities all over India. Though they belong to north India they are black. The civilized nature and good qualities according to Indians, have no connection with the color of the skin, facial features or the structure of the body. For example Ashtavakra was a revered rishi, a civilized person though he had many natural bends in his body. From the qualities attached to the Aryans, the race theory seems to be only a conjecture of persons suffering from superiority complex. Ancient Indian chronology need not depend on it or its invasion of India.

Many foreign invaders and travelers have written their memoirs about India from the fourth century BC onwards. The memoirs are available even today. None of them has any where referred to this Aryan invasion and their establishment of the Aryan culture in India. This is only a recently hatched theory having no basis.


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