in Sheet Anchor on Increase:
The last prop in the Britisher's,
Indian chronology, we have to consider, is the sheet anchor date.
While moving in various universities, the author has experienced
that many Indian scholars have accepted these Britisher's dates as a
final decision. But there are also a large number of Indian scholars
who do not believe in that date and their number is increasing every
year. As already seen, only the Ceylon's date of Buddha nirvana has
fitted in the Britisher's Indian chronology which is based on the
sheet anchor date. As the knowledge of the different dates to Buddha
current in different countries is spreading, the number of Indians
doubting the sheet anchor date is also increasing.
The sheet anchor is being challenged
since its inception till today. M. Troyer had opposed it in the
beginning. In a seminar held in 1981 AD in Madras, scholars had
challenged the identity.