It is the
awareness that actions do not take you anywhere that leads to the sanyas from karma. It appears that the person has renunciated, it appears that the
person has stopped working.
But in fact the actions have dropped from such a person.
Even this person eats, drinks and walks.
The difference is in the quality and the status of the
subject behind. He is the awakened one. He does not engage in the same kind of karma.
We do karma for ourselves where as the awakened one engages
in any karma for others out of compassion.
Mahavir lives on, not because he has any clinging to life,
but because the universe wants him to live.
He in fact used to put conditions to his living and the
whole existence used to meet those requirements.
He worked even on the animals to get them further in the
search of truth. There are sayings that animals used to come to him in his teachings.
This is a result of compassion, the karma flowing out of
his being for the benefit of the existence. |