Let us next
examine the root question. Why one is bound to do karma. And, what pushes you or me to
engage into one karma or the other? This is dealt
with by Krishna in Gita in the following sutra:
Satwam Rajastam Eeti gunah prakritisambavah
Nibandhanti mahabaho dehe dehinamavyayam (14..5)
Satvaguna Rajoguna and tamoguna which are part of the
prakriti bind the body to the soul.
And all karma are a result of these three modes.
This is very subtle to understand. That is perhaps one
reason why this comes up in detail towards the end of Gita.
What is visible is karma and its results. You can
comprehend Rama fighting with Ravan but what gunas are working behind the scenes is not
that obvious.