Even if you do
not believe in Parmatma, if you do not have your focus on the result all you have is your
karma and the total energy goes to the karma. The
result has to happen better and total as well. It is interesting that people who have too
many desires are the ones who do the least karma.
And then it is not a surprise to know that these are the
people, the people full of desire that end up getting the fewest results.
And these are the people you will find complaining against
God. They are never happy.
Most desire and result oriented karma are done to achieve
happiness, but in the end the happiness seems to be eluded all the time.
Happiness in desire/result oriented karma is always in the
future. The present is unhappy.
The happiness is in the future. The truth is that you will
always be in them present and future will always be in the mind.
Once you start being happy in the present the future has to
bring more happiness. You do not depend on something else to come and give you happiness.
How many times you have been on vaca- tion. The dream was
to go to the perfect vacation. Hawaii was the dream. |