Pratikarma is a
actually a pratikriya to a karma, response or a reaction to another action. You go home
and your son is angry at your. You are the father and you reply to that action of anger by
your reaction of anger. Both you and your son make a
deposit in the virtual account of samskara. These two karma's had their origin from a
reason, it was a response to some reason and there was an expected result. The son must
have been angry because of something and he is showing anger to get a response. Most of
our lives we live doing pratikarma.
A karma in strict sense is a different phenomenon. Karma is
spontaneous. It is not a reaction or a response to another action (karma). When the son
shows anger and no response arises inside you, then what comes out is karma. You irritate
your baby son and he pushes your hand away. Instead of anger, tremendous love arises
inside you. You smile and hug that child and the child gives you a giggle. This is
spontaneous. A young babys anger is authentic and so is its smile and the giggle.
The identity of I has not developed. And the karma here has a different quality. |