interesting thing follows as a shadow of Nishkam karma. Once there is no interest for a result there is no frustration. When there is no
interest in the result no work is small and no result is too small.
Not an indifference, but a steady state of happiness in
whatever the result is. Adeep acceptance arises inside.
The acceptance of whatever may happen in result is so
fulfilling that the individual gets to the steady state of happiness; some call it anand
and others call it bliss.
Have you wondered about the fact that all misery arises
from not accepting the isness.
The wife is trying to change the husband and the husband is
trying to change the wife.
They both have done research about each other before
marriage, every thing has been figured out.
Happiness is bound to happen. Then the marriage takes
place. The next thing you know is that change has to happen.