Talking about
the doer, this is now time to address Karma Sanyas and Nishkam Karma. Again Bhagwadgita is the main source of all understanding of karma
and hence I will quote here from Gita.
But before the quote let us analyze why Gita became the
source of understanding of karma yoga.
Krishna has a situation, a unique situation. The
Mahabharata is on. The forces are ready to fight and the warrior Arjuna does not want to
He suddenly is caught up with his intelligence and futility
of war. What all is bad about war suddenly confronts him in the battlefield.
Krishna is not teaching in the plains of Himalaya or in an
Ashram to sadhus and sanyasis.
The situation is intense and outcome to be is crucial. He
had to explain all about karma yoga to get Arjuna to decide what was right for him to
Many a times Arjuna has asked Krishna to tell him what is
right. He wanted Krishna to decide for him.
Krishna never obliged him for that. He instead chose to
clear all the doubts and questions that Arjuna had. Ultimately Arjuna decided on his own.
Coming back to the quote from Gita: |