Now, if every
one realized that it is not worth staking claim on a piece of land and followed the path
of sanyas (renunciation) then how would the world run. The balance will be maintained as long as there is no counterclaims. But it is
easy to disturb the balance.
A situation like in the past when Maha- bharata happened or
now when the India Pakistan disagree on Kashmir is more of a practical question in real
Renunciation is not the answer. Krishna knew that it is not
worth staking claims on a piece of land but he also had to balance the counterclaim of the
Arjun actually was trying to do the renunciation. He did
not have therealization but was choosing to leave the battlefield.
This is where Krishna interjects the notion and details of
Nishkam Karma Yoga. Nishkam karma does not focus on Karma, it focuses on the aspect of the
anticipated result.
Karma Sanyas wants you to understand the futility of doing
any karma. It wants you to be aware of the dream like status of any karma.
It is often useful when you face a situation that looks
critical to you. It is quiteupsetting and you do not know how to handle it.
You can look back and find a similar situation in your life
in the past. Those are just like dreams and all that is left is memory. |