We need not
associate ourselves with the various phases that came in rapid succession to their
spiritual family. We are more concerned with what Shri Viveka- nanda did to put
Ramakrishna Mission on the map of the religious world permanently by his unceasing tours
from one end to the other of India and abroad. When he had reached Cape Comorin,Swami
Viveka- nanda sat in meditation on a rock out in the sea-almost the last bit of India. It
was here that a definite plan flashed into his mind, and he rose from his lonely seat, in
those closing days of 1892, an enlightened Seer of the modem age, with the new light
shimmering in his eyes. Alluding to this event he
wrote from Chicago in 1894, "At Cape Comorin, sitting in Mother Kumari's temple,
sitting on the last bit of Indian rock, I hit upon a plan: We are so many Sannyasins
about, and teaching the people meta- physics -it is all madness. Did not our Gurudev
(often) say 'An empty stomach is no good for religion'? Suppose some disinterested
Sannyasins, bent on doing good to others, go from village to village, disseminating
education and seeking in
various ways to better the condition of all down to the Chandala, through oral teaching
and by means of maps, cameras, globes and such other accessories-can't that bring forth
good in time? .... We have to give back to the nation its lost individuality, and raise
the masses....
Again, the force to raise them must come from inside, that
is, from the orthodox Hindus. In every country the evils exist not with, but against,
religion. Religion, therefore, is not to blame, but men. To effect this, the first
thing we need is men, and the next is funds. Through the grace of our guru I was sure to
get from ten to fifteen men in every town. I next traveled in search of funds; but do you
think the people of India were going to spend money! .... Therefore, I have come to
America, to earn money myself, and then return to my country and devote the rest of my
days to the realization of this one aim of my life. As our country is poor in social
virtues, so this country is lacking in spirituality. I give them spirituality, and they
give me money." (Complete Works, Vi, pp. 254-55). XI
XI. History of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission by
Swami Gambhirananda, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta, p. 74. |