An untiring worker,
this man of genius, energy heart and vision drank deep into the learning of different
languages and imbibing the best from their literature, trying to do good to humanity at
alrge through seva - dharma and at the same time spreading a broad based gospel which
knows no intellectual snobbery and religious bigotry Swami Vivekananda immediately caught
the attention of the whole of India. When he spoke fully inspired at meetings people say
that his mental, physical and spiritual vigour actually used to form an aura as it were
and words came to him like a flow of current that had washed away an impediment. The venture to attend the Parliament of Religious in America was
undertaken by Swami Vivekananda almost on a call of his intuition. His mission tot he
United States of America was pre-eminently successful. This practically unknown man
whon the immediate attention of hte audience by his clarion call of address " sisters
and Brothers of America." As has been observed : " It was palpable even to the
dullest intellect that Vivekananda 's universalism was felt reality, and that his call to
brotherhood and plea for tolerance, co-operation and mutual respect were not sounded in
the name of any one religion, but in the name of all religions.
Quotations from the scriptures and references to historical
actualities proved that these were not idle fancies but he reiteration of beliefs
concretised in a whole nation's life. Vivekananda's oratory, his personality his spiritual
affiliation and his sanguine temperament marked him off at once as the most popular and
out- standing representative. The Chairman had simply to announce that Swami Vivekananda
would be the last speaker, and he would have whole audience waiting patiently in that hot
weather till the last moment, just to hear a few words from the hero of the
parliament. Fromt he fifth day was opened the scientific times. and it can be safely
guessed with equal attractiveness" |