after, Vivekananda became a world figure. It is peculiar that two Indians, Vivekananda and
Rabindranath Tagore had to win the heart of India and be a world figure only after the
West had recognized them. Swami Vivekananda followed up his tours in the States by
visiting England and other countries and came back to India to organize the Ramakrishna
Mission on a sound footing with the motto "elevation of the masses without injuring
their religion." A few brothers in faith ably supported him by quite a few
philanthropists and particularly. Swami Vivekananda
was able to re-orient the outlook of his brother disciples from ideas of personal
salvation to a realization of the needs of the needy and to achieve spiritualism by the
service of the humanity along with individual Sadhana. He was careful to draw up the aims
and objects in a businessman like manner as he realized the great potential of the
Mission. Me himself became the General President and immediately after started working for
famine relief in Murshidabad. This was, indeed, the beginning of the implemen- tation of
the seva - dharma of the reoriented Mission.
Today the Ramakrishna Mission has a network of its centres
in India and quite a few in other parts of the world. It is true that the centres are
mostly in urban areas and not right in the remote villages. But the Ramakrishna Mission
has always volunteered the work in famines, floods, epidemics, earthquakes and other
distresses. The Mission was fully inspired by the practical sense,thegreatnationalistic
fervor and the spiritual dignity of Swami Vivekananda who combined dynamism in practical
work with Ramakrishna's calm- ness in outlook and crystal clear spiritual fervor. |