Shri R. R.
Diwakar "while the history of Ramakrishnas spiritual Sadhana is unique, his
Sadhana as woman stands by itself. The various paths that Shri Ramakrishna followed led
equally to the experience of unitive life with the Highest Spirit. He assumed the role of
a woman devotee and
that too took him to the same goal. All this enabled him to synthesize, and sarva-
dharma-samanwaya became one of the main teachings of his life.
His attitude towards woman, as we know from his conduct towards his own wife, was one of
very great respect, equality and affection. He had trained his mind to see the Mother in
every woman. That he lived as a celibate throughout his life, though married, was more out
of an
overwhelming absorption with spirituality and spiritual consciousness rather than out of
any kind of disrespect or sense of hostility towards womanhood. He oftentimes repeated in his teachings that one-must not be tempted
by lust for gold and woman. But there was no trace A
dislike or hatred either in his relationship with his wife or any other woman or women
with whom he casually came in contact as devotees or admirers. He was, however, alive to
the discriminating way in which woman was looked upon in Society."8
8 Paramahansa Sri Ramakrishna by R.R. Diwakar,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1956, p. 144. |