On the third
visit Narendra made up his mind to resist this mysterious influence. That day the Master
took him to the adjacent garden of Jadulal Mallik and soon fell into a trance, touching
Narendra so as to lift his mind to a higher plane where the secrets of his personality
could be
unraveled. About this the Master said later, "While he was in that state, I asked him
about his antecedents and where he lived, his mission in this world and the duration of
his mortal life. He dived deep into himself and gave fitting answers to my questions.
These only confirmed what I had seen and inferred about him."7
After that there started an unfathomable contact between Narendranath, the future Swami
Vivekananda and a number of direct disciples of Shri Ramakrishna. Through a process of
osmosis as it were, the intense yearning for God of Shri Ramakrishna and ways of realizing
Him was transmitted to these disciples. Shri Vivekananda was directly taken into hand by
the Master for carrying on his work in an intense manner both in India and abroad along
with a few other disciples. It is difficult to describe how Shri Ramakrishna could explain
and infatuate his followers.The various books both
in Bengali language and in English that have been written by his followers and the
speeches delivered by Shri Vivekananda subse- quently in India and abroad could give us a
glimpse of what was happening in that small circle for the spiritual and social welfare of
the world. He repeatedly enjoined that there were many religions but one God and this was
after the Master had received the Advaita Siddhi, the culmination of spiritual Sadhana.
His attitude towards women was exclusive. Herein Swami Vivekananda closely followed Sri
Ramakrishna Dev.
7 History of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission by
Swami Gambhirananda, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta, pp. 22-23. |