The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Every Hindu festival-from least distinction to the highest one of creditable sanctity is celebrated here with due rituals, and pomp and splendor. So hectic spiritual activity seems a regular feature in the temple throughout the year. Besides the usually performed festivals, like Udagi, Vasantotsava, Mahabhishekha, Nagapanchami and Punyathithis of pontiffs, the Jayanthis of Hanuman, Krishna, Kalki, Bhuvaraha, Budda, Madhava, Datta, Kumara, Narasimha; Chaturmasya, Sri Raghavendra festibal, Lakshadipa, Uttaradwadasi, Lakshadeepotsava, Subrahmanyashasti, Teppotasava, Ratasaptami, Sivaratri, Holi - Kamadahana, Vyasa Punya thithi and Vadiraja Punyathithi are celebrated with unusual pomp. No temple in India could stand comparison with this in the celebration of a wide variety of festivals and to witness the glory of Hinduism, one has to visit this temple and feast his mind, eye and soul than reading descriptions which alas! end like man's incessant stretching his hand to grab the far end of that spectacular Indradhanus.


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