The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Go anywhere across the world - say vertically from pole to pole, or horizontally from Timbuktu to Timbuktu; or diagonally from the Greenland to New Zealand and ask for decent hotel for breakfast, provided there is a South Indian Colony, sure you will hear then - "Walk just a few yards along the Main Road, and up your head, there meets your eye a giant sized sign board of Udipi Krishna Bhavan", and on entering, you see a smartly dressed Kamat, or a typical South Canara Bhatt sitting at the table, receiving you with a flash of smile. How fantastic! How could they embrace the whole globe with such well-knit network of hotels to catering to the hungry stomachs with a wide variety of delicious dishes? Surprise subsides only when you make a deep probe. This amazing entrepreneurial expertise undoubtedly sprouts from the sacred soil of Udipi that sacredness owes its origin to the monumental temple, which in turn invaribly emanates from Bhagawan Balakrishna, whose serving of Kshudarthis with food started from the day of his landing here, sailing from Dwaraka, probably in the thirteenth century AD. The enterprising Udupians seeing the joyous contentment lighting up the faces of the fed, imbibed the spirit of service and started catering as a noble vocation. As the nobility of their ideal received the blessings of the Lord, it spread to dasadisas, with Udupi as the head-quarters of this occupation, and started producing an unending streams of experts, ready to open their branches even on the bosom of the moon, if permitted, to serve Armstrong's party, if ever it proposes to take a trip for further exploration or consolidation of the power on the moon.


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About  Balakrishna Of Udipi
You are Here! Uniqueness Pg1
Uniqueness Pg2
The Glory Of Udipi Pg1
The Glory Of Udipi Pg2
The Glory Of Udipi Pg3
Advent Of Lord....Pg1
Advent Of Lord....Pg2
Advent Of Lord....Pg3
The Temple Pg1
The Temple Pg2
The Temple Pg3
The Temple Pg4
The Madvasarovara Legend
Nitya Naimittika....
Seva Festivals
Annual Festivals
The Advent....
Paryaya And Its Necessity