What's in a name, the rose smells sweet by whatever name one calls it,
pronounces a Western wit. No, there is a lot in it; it is so sacrosanct, so sacred,
so mighty, so musical, so pompus and so on and so forth. And by its mere
reminiscence, apart from uttering, one gets delighted and emancipated, an
Eastern saint denounces his counterpart, dumping abundant evidence, tearing it
from the scriptural writings. Evidently it is not a mere combination of vowels
and consonants, nor decidedly a blend of melodious sounds, nor even positively
an amalgamation of mystic spells, but it is as potent as the Omnipotent God, and
as true as the existence of God in south. Being associated, rather derived from
the Almighty God in His multiplicity of forms, it embodies divinity and emits