Now Dharmasthala possesses seven
separate temples - one for the Chandranathaswamy, who was woshipped by the
venerable Perggades first, and four for the Dharma Daivas, one for
Manjunathaswamy and final one for Annappa, who became instrumental in making
this shrine into All-Faith temple of eternal importance and universal adoration.
It is befitting then that he too should receive adoration. In the most fitting
manner. Hence his presence in a separate shrine. Kuduma, the place once
dominated by one temple for Jains, now proudly boasts of having seven, the most
veration - worthy temples, catering to the needs of all people. All but due to
the inexplicable and inestmable munificence rained by the Dharmadevasthas on the
Perggade couple, who made their lives immortal by their inimitable
spiritualardour and religous fervour. As the Dharmadevasthas using the Perggades
their mouth - pieces despensed justice and adorers for boons swelled to
unimaginable proportions, as fame went beyond the bounds of Mallarmadi village.