Being humane and
highly evolved spiritually, they wanted to share this fortune to one and all. So
they invited the brahmins to attend to consecreting the deities and offer pujas
as agamas prescribed, but they bluntly refused entering the newly built shrines
saying, "Daivas shall be worshipped only along with gods, and we will
attend when the images of gods are installed". It was a mortal blow to
Perggades and they reeled under heavy grief. When they poured out their souls to
the Daivas, consoling they bade their vassal Annappa to bring from Kadri, the
Sivalinga of Manjunathaswamy and enshrine it in the temple first. Annappa
carried out the divine bidding without loss of a single second. Installation
took place to the satisfaction of all. Manjunathaswamy thus came to be
worshipped here by the side the shrines built for the Dharmadevatas.