In the annals of
temple history, many Perggades - the spokesmen of Dharma Diavas carved out their
names by dint of labour of hands, piety of souls, brilliance of minds and
benignty of hearts. The Perggades, as ordained became hereditary representatives
of the Dharmadevathas, and every Perggade deeming it his most sacred duty
contributed his best to making the small shrines rise into gigantic world famous
institutions through an infinite variety of ministrations they introduced from
time to time.
The tenure of Sri
Devaraja Heggade witnessed many far-reaching achievements and they accelerated
the progress of the temple to an astonishing degree. There visited then the
world famous Madvamathadhipathi, Vadiraja Guru Sarvabhouma of the Sodi Mutt of
Udipi, who when offered Bikha refused to accept on the ground that
Manjunathaswamy linga was consecrated by the deputy of the Daiva belonging to
Jain religion, and as a devout Hindu, he could not enter even.