The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Udipi has become the pioneer in this industry, in addition to being the renowned citadel of Madhvamata, dedicated to the propogation of spiritual glory of Hinduism.

It has some more unique features - it is this place that witnessed Parasurama's merging in Sivalinga; it is here Lord Krishna accepted gruel from the famous Sankirthanacharya Kanakadasa first, and since formed one of the chief dishes offered for naivedyam.It is here an ordinary brahmin lad Vasudeva turned into Matadhipathi of global significance; it is to this place Lord Krishna's image sailed concealed in gopi mud; it is this town went by the name of Rupya pitha; it is to this temple tank, Bhagirathi came down once for Acharya Madhava's bath and continued to be coming once in every 12 years; it is here the Ashtapitadhipathis are honoured with Paryaya padavi; it is here the devotees see the archamurthi through the window; it is the temple of this place giving regular annadana since the advent of Madvacharya, and it is this Parasurama kshetra that demonstrated the oneness of a Hari and Hara through several episodes.

Famous as mokshapuri since the Vedic times, associated with the incarnations of Lord Vishnu; worshipped by illustrious dasas; sanctified by a long line of great pontiffs starting with Sri Madhavacharya, patronised by theist rulers; this pilgrimage centre is luring a steady influx of devotees since time immemorial.


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About  Balakrishna Of Udipi
Uniqueness Pg1
You are Here! Uniqueness Pg2
The Glory Of Udipi Pg1
The Glory Of Udipi Pg2
The Glory Of Udipi Pg3
Advent Of Lord....Pg1
Advent Of Lord....Pg2
Advent Of Lord....Pg3
The Temple Pg1
The Temple Pg2
The Temple Pg3
The Temple Pg4
The Madvasarovara Legend
Nitya Naimittika....
Seva Festivals
Annual Festivals
The Advent....
Paryaya And Its Necessity