The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Although the word 'Udipi' seems very simple and palin to hear, it has a very long record of mystic interpretations and legends of kinds many, and forms varied. To begin with, it was known to legends as Rypya pitha, meaning thereby the silver seat - Rajata Pitha, Rajatha being a synonym for Rupya. ,Anandagiri's famous work records this place as Rajatapita. It was called Silver seat for the primary reason that Lord Siva dwelt here on the white hill. There is a legend highlighting the justification of its original name Rupya Pitha. Ramabhoja, the ruling monarch of this region planned to perform a sacrifice. Inviting Parasuram with utmost honour, he requested him to be the chief guest and bless him. When accepted, he made a silver seat for him - Rupya pitha, studded with dazzling gems befitting his august position. After the yagna he prayed him to bless this place flourish in all directions and it be named as Rupya pitha. Pleased most with his humanitarian zeal and incomparible athithiseva, he said 'Thadastu'. His blessings soon bore fruit and it became very famous as Rupya Pitha or Rajata Pitha.


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About  Balakrishna Of Udipi
Uniqueness Pg1
Uniqueness Pg2
You are Here! Antiquity
The Glory Of Udipi Pg1
The Glory Of Udipi Pg2
The Glory Of Udipi Pg3
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