the miracles of the Lord started manifesting in solemnization of
delayed marriages and broken alliances, restoration health to the
victims of chronic diseases, settlement of long standing disputes.
birth of children to the barren women so on and so fort small but
sacred shrine scattered its divine aroma to the corners of the world
and attracted global attention. Beneficiaries of Subrahmanya
aradhakas contributed there mite in several forms, and so it has
been slowly and steadily rising to the pinnacle of glory with
celebration special and regular festivals, Sevasena Kalyanotsav
Vallikalyanam Adikrithika Kavadi festival, Subbarayla shasti,
Taipusam, Panguni Uttaram Padi Utsav Skandashasti Kritika Deepotsav
etc.. These festival days see the devotees overflowing the campus
and lustily participating in many rituals, and what is more spending
lavishly too. And feasting their eyes, ears and souls with colourful
decorations, melodious kirthanas and elevating experiences. The hill
then metamorphoses into Kailas and comes on par with Palani the
renowned Muruga Kshetra in Tamil Nadu. As this is the Principal
temple for Moorage and particularly lying on the Indrakiladri its
splendour is indescribable, glory inexplicable and bliss