Kanakadurga of Vijayawada |
Of India |
tallest Sivalinga was installed by Devendra under the guidance of
Brihaspathi the Devaguru, so the place is called Amaravathi and the
archamurti - Amareswaraswamy. There are several niches in and around
garbha griha for many mini gods and goddesses. And in every yuga it
demonstrated some miracle or the other that cemented peoples' faith
in the Lord who is granting liberal boons on the adorers. There is a
belief that whoever dies here is assured of Siva sayujya mukti, and
the bhaktas-who worship the Lord after bathing in the Krishna waters
go to Siva loka. It is called Dhakshana Kasi for the main reason
that it liberates people who adore the Lord soulfully as Kasi does
in the North. This is deemed as a famous Triputi for embodying the
triple aspects like Daivam - Amareswaraswamy Kshetram -
Counchaparvatham and Thirtham- river Krishna. It was a renowned
capital called then by the name of Dhanyakataka. The abundant
sculptural inscriptional and literary wealth reveals its splendid
past that has no equals to it, to speak the truth. For Sivaloka
Prapti and Punarjanmarahitya take a trip and get boons.
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