are vociferous in their emphasis and declare that Siva Himself is
that Pranava, the premordial energy, instrumental for creation,
protection and dissolution of the universes. Why then going further
? What then is Saivism is to be probed now although it means
worshipping of Siva? Who is Siva ? SIVA is a Sanskrit word, and
means `SUBHAM i.e. auspiciousness. It signifies goodness and
happiness that spring from one's infinite faith in Siva and absolute
unconditional surrender to His will. If professed so, the adorer
becomes Saiva and receives Sivanugrah. What is Saivism?' deserves
elucidation. Tirumular, one of the Tamil saints says - Sivanodu
Sambandham sanal Saivam It means thereby that any relationship with
Siva is called Saivism. Though brief, it embodies the essence and
suffices the purpose. The first and foremost thing that it demands
is one's relationship with Siva, the Supreme Reality and belief
that, over and above Him nothing exists nor dominates, say visibly
or invisibly. This was accepted, advocated and upheld by
intellectuals, who propagated this central message. People followed.
And so it became a religion of universal significance. It held its
grip on the mass and class of people in India, the land of its