Major Sections
Temples Of India


To sum up, the Monism of Sankaracharya exercised unlimited sway and restored to Hinduism its former glory. Later, some Acharyas advanced their own views and started their schools of thought. Their philosophy and definitions received acceptance in some quarters and so many cults emerged. Factions raised their heads and society was cut asunder leading to spiritual unrest. A quick look at the different cults of Saivism pays. Among the many schools of philosophy, Pasupatha is one

Pasupatha School: The Pasupatha school is more ancient than Monism and Lakulisa is its founder. Pancharatrabhasya is the authoritative treatise embodying the five principles of this school. They are - cause, effect, meditation, behaviour and dissolution of sorrow. It begins with three attributes `pasu, pasa and pati' and ends with an emphasis that Pasupati i.e. Siva is the highest God Head and adoration to Him emancipates the pasu-man. It is this that became the forerunner of other schools such as Pratyabhigna darsan school in Kashmir, Saiva siddhanta in Dravida desa, Vira saiva in Karnataka etc. Having discussed the main principal and their approach of Saiva siddhant already, let us have a peep at Pratyabhigna darsana school of Saivism that originated and exerted its hold in Kashmir.

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About Appendix No - I
Saivism - A Survey..Pg1 
Saivism - A Survey ..Pg2
Saivism - A Survey..Pg3
Saiva Siddhanta School..Pg1
Advaitha School..Pg1
You are Here! Advaitha School..Pg2
Advaitha School..Pg3
Virasaiva School...Pg1
Its Special Features..Pg1
Its Special Features..Pg2