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Saiva Siddhanta school draws its inspiration and sustenance more from the Saivagamas than the Vedas, and they are written in Tamil. It proclaims that the Vedas are meant for all, where as Saiva Siddhanta concerns with the advanced souls only. The psalms and teachings of Saiva saints are the principal source of the Saiva Siddhanta, and the saints are called Navalars - the regenerators of the Saiva creed, who championed the cause of Bhakti cult. The Meikanda sutras - twelve in number called Tirumuris form the basis of this Siddhanta. The twelve are condensed into four parts. The first three assert the existence of three eternal entities called `pati, pasu and pasam'. Next three are confined to their nature and inter relationship existing among them The other three explain the means for attaining emancipation - mukti. And the last three envisage the nature of mukti. These sutras are akin to Brahmasutras. Their logical reasoning and systematic presentation of truth won the appreciation of scholars and laymen alike. Simplicity and clarity are its plus points. This school is although widely ,prevalent in the south, it could not command as much following and popularity as that of the Advaitha Philosophy of Jagadguru Sankara, which attained global importance. And chronologically it is older also. For full grasp, we have to go back to the time of Sankara. A brief account of Sankara and the nature of the age he lived in becomes expedient now.

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About Appendix No - I
Saivism - A Survey..Pg1 
Saivism - A Survey ..Pg2
Saivism - A Survey..Pg3
You are Here! Saiva Siddhanta School..Pg1
Advaitha School..Pg1
Advaitha School..Pg2
Advaitha School..Pg3
Virasaiva School...Pg1
Its Special Features..Pg1
Its Special Features..Pg2