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Temples Of India



It is one of the main schools of Saiva Philosophy, with a difference. Like other schools, it believes that Siva is the Highest God-Head and, Saivism is one of the oldest and celebrated religions of the world. Unlike Saiva Siddhanta, it draws its sustenance on the sanskrit works wholely, in addition to leaning on its own literature written in Kannada. Though it is grown out of Saivism, it has its own individuality, and contradicts not any other schools or Saivism or its mother. It was founded by five illustrious Prophets, viz Revanaradhya, Marularadhya, Ekoramoradhya, Panditaradhya and Visvaradhya. More than these five originaters, Basava, supposed to be the incarnation of Nandi, born to revive the drooping flag of Virasaivism is held in esteem and is exceedingly popular to the extent, that he far surpassed the founders in popularity and following Credit goes to him for breathing fresh life into Virasaivism and making it more popular than it was, prior to his birth in the twelfth century. It made a significant contribution to Saivism thereafter. It claims to possess 28 agamas, 105 upagamas besides the sayings of a great number of mystics.

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About Appendix No - I
Saivism - A Survey..Pg1 
Saivism - A Survey ..Pg2
Saivism - A Survey..Pg3
Saiva Siddhanta School..Pg1
Advaitha School..Pg1
Advaitha School..Pg2
Advaitha School..Pg3
You are Here! Virasaiva School...Pg1
Its Special Features..Pg1
Its Special Features..Pg2