to Sankara, it is said that no name is better known in the history
of Brahmanic Philosophy than that of Sankara, and no doctrine is so
familiar and exercised greater influence than his Monism - Advaita.
The names of some of the Vedic seers, may perhaps confound layman,
but not Sankara's. He is a household name and his Philosophy is very
familiar, though explanation eludes grasp. Now about his time. He
was born in the 9th century AD, when Hinduism was in the doldrums
due to abuse of power by the vested interests; and in consequence
Saktaism, Jainism and Buddhism established their supremacy. Sankara,
by his extra ordinary intellectual brilliance and persuasive
tongue backed by the mastery of Vedic lore scored victory over the
then religions, and proved the superiority of Hinduism through his
systamatised Advaitha Philosophy. The sanskrit word Advaitha means
non-dualism. According to it, only the ultimate Reality has actual
existence and all the phenomenal existence is Maya or illusion. If
simplified, it means, Brahman is the only Reality in the Universe.
And the human soul is identical with Brahman only. He based his
Philosophy on three entities - "I" "Mine" and
"God". Terminology though underwent many changes with the
advent of some more similar Acharyas, who founded their schools its
cardinal principles remained same. For 'I' other terms such as Atma,
Jivatma, Chetana, Anu, Jiva, Pasu etc. were used; they all but stand
for SOUL. For 'Mine' prakrit, matter, material, object etc., were
used. And finally for God, the third entity terms like the Absolute,
Brahman, Pati, the Supreme were used.