Major Sections
Temples Of India



Virasaivism attaches utmost importance to the Linga and deems it the Ultimate Reality. It equates it with Parabhrahman of the Upanishads. And declares that creation, protection and involution have emerged from it. It proclaims in unambiguous terms that though Siva transcended all forms and attributes - Nirakara Nirguna Brahma, He assumed form to help His votaries to realise Him. It advocates Sakara Sagunopasana with the wearing of Istalinga invariably, and adhering to the instructions of the spiritual preceptor. It believes that the individual is a part of Siva, the Ultimate Reality. So duality does not exist. Its monism is akin to Sankara's Advaitha Philosophy.

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About Appendix No - I
Saivism - A Survey..Pg1 
Saivism - A Survey ..Pg2
Saivism - A Survey..Pg3
Saiva Siddhanta School..Pg1
Advaitha School..Pg1
Advaitha School..Pg2
Advaitha School..Pg3
Virasaiva School...Pg1
You are Here! Its Special Features..Pg1
Its Special Features..Pg2