course, the worshipped deities succored and regulated their dreary
dreadful existence by dream messages or oral instructions through
their deputies - priests and committed god-men. Instances of gifting
the power of speech to the mute, sight to the blind, hearing to the
deaf, movement to the lame, cure of the incurable diseases in
addition to relieving them from the knotty problems threatening
their existence are countless.
If the lame and popularity of some recently built temples are
mounting higher with meteoric speed and touching the Everest means,
it is all due to miracles produced by the invisible gods through
their visible representatives.
committed god-men are displaying Superhuman powers to drawing the
moor-lost and star-crossed children of God through several means.
They cause garlands grow to enormous sizes put on to the portraits
or icons worshipped in the homes of devotees, or falling of Kumkum
or Vibhuti from them, and even oozing of eater from tile feet of the