all I want to emphasize, rather impress upon the readers is - theism
alone lifts, saves, protects the believers. And promotes happiness
by working for their all round development. Deism forms the basis
and accelerates it. Ritualism, if properly and devoutly followed
performed by the well-versed, god-minded, pure-hearted, high-souled
veteran pundits definitely brings an instant result beneficent. This
is neither a concocted fact, nor is it aimed at foisting improbity
on the gullible public with ulterior motive.
some of the occurrences entered into the heart of literature, sure,
some polish or dazzle strikes the eye and thrills the frames. The
humanist writers, always aim at reforming the stray children of God
using figurative language. But it must be clearly understood that
they carried out that mahat karya basing their work on the solid
foundation of truth - that is to say, their fevered flights of
imagination, certainly took off from the strong base of facts. So,
they should neither be set aside as bundle of lies, nor deemed lit
to fill in the dust-bin. They must be treated as gospel truths.