not the chroniclers gifted with the divine creative faculty and
utilized it for a purpose lofty, and hence we notice in histories
certain purple patches that outshine and outlive the motive
intended. For shere beauty of expression, and exuberance of finish
many literatures are committing them to memory. So the reader or
listener need not jump to conclusion that they are fantasies
deserving to be disregarded. Moreover, some of the incidents are
handed down from mouth to mouth, and the writers relying on them
reported as heard.
it is but natural that some exaggeration had crept into them. Is it
not a fact well-known that nothing comes out of nothing? None can
gainsay that a great deal of truth is embedded in the event s
published in manuals or periodicals. And I, on reading them from
secondary sources thought them meriting public gaze for full
comprehension of the mysterious sports of gods. In addition, they
will armour the spineless victims of agnostics to meet their
volubility and immaturity with equal force and heat. For, everyone
is aware of the fact that the modern democracy has given to mankind
the mightiest weapon - sound i.e. loquacity. Sound subdues sense and
scores victory. Hence to meet the adversary in his own camp and
out-beat him, these anecdotes originated from supernatural agency
arc helpful, I opine. Above all, their impact brought in a sea
change in the credulous public and they are moving god-wards
fearlessly and peacefully. And I wished for it only.