The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
Major Sections
Temples Of India


There is no end to their number, nor variety has reached the point of satiation. It is these miracles to speak the truth that are filling the temple vaults and enabling the Trustees carrying on innumerable social service activities, like running of educational institutions, founding of charitable organizations and the like which the governments can never undertake even if they pledge the country's whole resources - natural and financial to the World Bank that could lend even to Kubera - the god of wealth, if he stretches his hand to meet an unforeseen emergency.

The offerings of all types - in cash and kind dropped into the hundis of certain temples like Balaji seem vying with the never exhaustible and ever increasing sea waters, rather adequate enough to cover the earths crust with golden sheets. No exaggeration please. If enumeration of only a good assortment of miracles and their aftermath experienced by the beneficiaries are prolonged. I aim sure, with my insignificant knowledge and ill-equipped brain alone. I could write a few more volumes to adorn the racks set apart for bakthi literature. For, I had the ample opportunity of listening to both the pathetic tales and joyous experiences of thousands of victims and beneficiaries during my stay at one famous temple for one year, in addition to hearing the devotees narrating their experiences on my Visits to temples numerous across our Punya Bharat right from Badarinath to Cape and Somanath to Calcutta.

As a matter of fact. I made sincere, anxious enquiries with the devotees who offered worship with redemption of vows during my meeting with them. Above all, many miracles were witnessed by me, produced by god-men whom I met on several occasions. To cap all as it were. l had and have the good fortune of seeing miracles happened in my own house, like growing of garlands adorning the portraits, and the relief obtained by the distressed with mere vibhuthi, achieving success in exams and interviews after a single darsan of the garlands grown and the like, and a few of them were published by some periodicals. So, I haven't attempted here to give the readers any cooked up anecdotes, nor did I ever entertain the hope of misleading anyone. This soulful confession, if accepted and honoured. I feel my efforts are recognized and rewarded too.


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